
  • 네팔 주한 대사관에서 댕기열 유의 하라는 이멜이 왔습니다
    해외여행 2017. 5. 30. 22:38

    네팔에 뎅기열이 평소보다 빠르게 나타났다고 합니다

    메시지 내용은 다음과 같습니다

    <네팔 04 안전 정보 : 카트만두 뎅기바이러스 감염 환자 발생 관련 유의>

    네팔 언론보도에 따르면 우리 국민들이 많이 거주하는 카트만두 Bhaisepati 지역에서 뎅기바이러스 환자가 올해 처음으로 확인되었습니다.

    뎅기열은 뎅기 바이러스가 사람에게 감염되어 생기는 병으로 고열을 동반하는 급성 열성 질환입니다. 뎅기 바이러스를 가지고 있는 모기가 사람을 무는 과정에서 전파됩니다. 증상은 갑작스럽게 고열이 나서 발열은 3~5일간 계속되고, 심한 두통, 근육통, 관절통, 식욕부진이 생깁니다.

    이와 관련, 네팔에 체류중인 우리 국민들께서는 뎅기바이러스에 대해 각별히 유의하시기 바라며, 개인 위생관리에 더욱 신경 써 주시기 바랍니다.


    위의 지도를 보시면 랄릿푸르 지역 Bhaisepati 에 발생되었다고 합니다

    이지역은 한인 교민분들이 많이 사시는 곳인데 걱정이 됩니다

    출처 : thehimalayantimes


    Kathmandu, May 29

    A-25 year-old man from Bhaisepati area of Lalitpur district has tested positive for dengue virus.

    Doctors at Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital, where the patient was admitted for treatment of high fever, said that the deadly disease was confirmed after laboratory test.

    They said the man also complained of severe muscle and joint pain, headache, backache and vomiting.

    “We have tested his blood sample in the hospital laboratory, and infection due to the dengue virus was confirmed,” said virologist at STIDH, Dr Sher Bahadur Pun.

    According to Dr Pun, this might be the first case of dengue infection this year in Kathmandu Valley.

    Dr Pun said that confirmation of the virus during the pre-monsoon season is alarming, as the capital city is densely populated and dengue cases are generally seen in the post-monsoon period.

    “It is alarming as the season for dengue is yet to start, but the disease has already been detected,” Pun added.

    He informed that the patient is still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

    Last year too, over a dozen people in Kathmandu Valley were infected with the dengue virus.

    Health workers have warned of a dengue epidemic as several studies that were carried out by the Epidemiology and Disease Control Division under the Department of Health Services in the past had found significant number of Aedes-aegypti and Aedes-albopicitus mosquitoes that are responsible spread dengue and  chikungunya in Kathmandu Valley.

    Dr Pun said that Aedes-aegypti and Aedes-albopicitus mosquitoes bite in the day time and breed in clean water.

    Mild to high fever, severe headache, pain in the eyes, muscles and rashes are some of the symptoms of the disease.




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